La clef verte, a label that’s close to our hearts

At Oasis Lodges, we are committed to minimising our ecological footprint by conducting our activities in the most sustainable way possible. Since the opening of Oasis Lodges, we have understood that protecting the environment concerns us all, so we do our utmost to raise awareness among our staff and employees.

In line with this commitment, we have decided to embark on a certification process in partnership with the Fondation pour l’Education à l’Environnement (FEE) with a view to obtaining the international Green Key Ecolabel, which rewards hotels that respect the environment.

The Green Key label in Marrakech is an environmental certification system for tourist establishments. It aims to encourage hotels, riads and other types of accommodation to adopt more sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices.

Certification criteria include water and energy management, waste management, protection of biodiversity and promotion of ecological activities. Establishments must also demonstrate their commitment to raising awareness of environmental issues among guests and staff.

The Green Key label in Marrakech is awarded by an independent body and establishments must be re-certified every year to maintain their label.

Today, we are very proud to announce that we are doing our utmost to meet all the requirements of the label and that we hope to obtain certification very soon. It’s a commitment that the entire Oasis Lodges team promises will last for years to come.

By choosing a Green Key certified establishment in Marrakech, you can be sure that you are supporting an environmentally-friendly tourism industry and helping to protect the destination. During your next stay, don’t hesitate to ask us for more information on this subject. Our teams will be delighted to share our various initiatives with you.